Hey there!

I’m a 32y old Senior UX Designer at ︎︎︎ Rewe digital
Located in Cologne, Germany.

You can find me on ︎ LinkedIn and ︎ Medium
and also talking about UX on ︎ Spotify.

︎ UX Design Portfolio

Checkout Vision

︎︎︎ open

Inspirational Sales Page

︎︎︎ open

Pick-up Station

︎︎︎ open

︎ Medium Articles

We created a range of accessible UI Color
︎︎︎ open medium.com

Accessible colors for user interfaces

︎︎︎ open medium.com

Scouting for accessible colors

︎︎︎ open medium.com

Soft UI is fun but not very practical.

︎︎︎ open medium.com

Feel free to ︎︎︎drop me a message

© 2024 – Lukas Christian Kühne