Hey there!

I’m a 32y old Senior UX Designer at ︎︎︎ Rewe digital
Located in Cologne, Germany.

You can find me on ︎ LinkedIn and ︎ Medium
and also talking about UX on ︎ Spotify.

Inspirational Sales Page


So far, the sales page of REWE has been very technical. It is unraveled and reflects the incoming data. It is suitable for displaying offers from a REWE market. There will be new challenges to the current site in the next few years, and we need to develop a sustainable solution. Therefore, our motivation is to design a sustainable and visually appealing site and use different testing methods to enhance it. Further, we set a couple of KPIs that we want to improve with AB-Testing.

My Role

The first thing to do was convert the research evaluations into an idea in various workshops and thus develop an initial concept that fulfills multiple goals that we have set ourselves. The design, planning, and test design were part of my role. I defined, presented, and defended these goals as part of my UX Strategy for this initiative. Further, I created the wireframes and an Axure prototype for the UX test we concluded. The validation of the concept in UX and AB tests was essential to ensure further development beyond the concept.

UX Goals

︎ Strengthen and highlight the brand experience
  • Integration of the REWE Voice
  • Evolve the UI Design
  • Better use of the REWE Brand characteristics

︎ Build a stronger connection with the App and other REWE benefits.
  • Create an integrated link towards the REWE App Coupons.
  • Advertise the App download and App features.

︎ The sales page should inspire the customers.
  • Make a connection between products, offers, and recipes.
  • Make a better differentiation between the sales categories using brand colors, images, and writing.

UX Writing

We have a UX Writer in our team, and he plays an essential role in achieving the goal of "Strengthen and highlight the brand experience." Overall, the focus of this concept is very much on the tension between explanatory, functional writing, and advertising communication.

The goal was also that the language expresses REWE as a brand and that we integrate it strongly into our designs.
That's why we tried many variants and included them in our tests. It was essential to test the value of communication and validate the influences.

We found out that we can communicate the high value of our presentation. Our customers understand that REWE is not a discount market with our new design. The associations with our prototype were that REWE offers high-quality products but that people can also save money, and it became pretty clear how customers can achieve that at REWE.


One of our goals is “The sales page should inspire the customers.” We have considered various solutions for this idea. We adapted a pattern that became more and more popular on the web and became one of our benchmarks. The idea is that we make better use of our existing resources and features and connect them. In our example, we linked discounted products directly to a recipe, increasing the relevance of the offers and giving the customer a reason to buy a specific product.

We found a suitable pattern at ︎︎︎ikea.com where buttons are placed directly on a product picture. Users can interact with it by clicking on buttons on the picture to "discover" a specific product. The picture shows the product, e.g., a couch in a living room. Therefore it is easy to imagine how the couch might look in my living room. It triggers my imagination, and it inspires me.
But we already knew that it might be risky to implement it as it was. The challenge is that the Ikea page has a clear shortcut between "what I see on the picture" and "what I will buy."

With groceries, it's more complicated because a served meal that you can cook with our products is not what you will buy; you will purchase the products to cook the meal.
Therefore we had to make some adaptations. E.g., we used a lot of redundancies within our design to make it more straightforward.


We created a lot of iterations for the design and conducted short surveys with the wireframes. The wireframes were very distinctive from the start, quickly becoming very colorful. I believe that wireframes aren't made to have classic wireframes but rather to get a quick picture of an idea. I use them when I need them, not because I say I have to do them.
A UI designer colleague did the high-end UI design.
In addition, I created several versions of an Axure prototype for our UX tests.


This further development pursues several goals and is still in its infancy. Many ideas may not work as initially intended. But that is in the spirit of agile product development. There are no negative test results. Every result of a test is valuable. However, some of the ideas have already proven effective in initial tests and should be implemented.
Feel free to ︎︎︎drop me a message

© 2024 – Lukas Christian Kühne