Hey there!

I’m a 32y old Senior UX Designer at ︎︎︎ Rewe digital
Located in Cologne, Germany.

You can find me on ︎ LinkedIn and ︎ Medium
and also talking about UX on ︎ Spotify.

Take & Go

Designing a product from scratch

“Take & Go” was the first working title for what is now called “REWE Pick&Go” and was rolled out at one store in Cologne. The concept of a checkout free store is heavily inspired by the “Amazon Go”-stores that can be found in New York, USA, and London, Great Britain. The REWE Pick&Go Store in Cologne is the first checkout free store in Germany.

The goals of the project:

  1. Develop an MVP-status app that is UX-testing ready

  2. Understand the product requirements to fulfill the customer needs in further iterations

  3. UX Testing for our first Android Prototype

My role

I was part of an early-stage UX team working on this product. After working on a similar topic, I supported the checkout-free store concept with the research and innovation created a UX Strategy and a lot of UX deliverables, and at a later stage, we expanded the team, which led to the development and design of an android prototype and the first UX test.

Add Customer-centricity to the product development.

At our first meeting with the innovation managers and the development team, it quickly became apparent that this project aims to develop an MVP as a technical proof of concept. The main goal was to get the technology in the market and to be able to test it. Compromises in usability were initially labeled as certainly unproblematic. But in later meetings, we demonstrated that an MVP’s goal could also include the user’s perspective. Therefore we used that already ︎︎︎often discussed diagram that helps to rethink the MVP expectations.

Next, we started thinking about our UX Strategy and what we wanted to archive in the first months from this point on. As a first step, we decided to involve a fourth design-related role — a UX Researcher.

UX Strategy

1. Design Limits

First, we discussed ongoing projects and available data that may influence this project (at this stage, it was a “project” rather than proper product development). We already had similar projects that gave us some insights and ideas about the user’s behavior.

2. Define For and Why

Thinking about the people who influenced the project, we created a stakeholder map. Mapping internal and external people and organizations helped us understand whom to talk to, when, and how often. Further, we discovered who is influential in this project and on which stakeholders we have an influence.

3. Defining the Who

It was essential to find out who our users are. We already had data on who was shopping in the market where we wanted to test the new product. We first created an archetype based on this customer data, and later on, we used two different personas to work on the app’s concept.

4. Value Proposition

What ideas do we have to help our users to get what they want?
It is clear that people will struggle to understand how this technology works since nothing like this exists in Germany. The closest similar store that offers a cashier-less experience is the Amazo Go in London. It is very likely nobody ever bought something in a stationary market “without paying” at a cashier desk. Therefore, we want to create an Onboarding with clear and visual communication.
Further, creating an account needs to be as easy as possible since our users tend to come perhaps during their lunch break and have no time to understand a complex registration process.
Also, we need to clarify that users don’t need to check their phones while shopping since we will have no live feedback when someone puts something in their basket or bag.

Problem Statements

As a user...
I want to recognize the cashier-less concept.

I want clear feedback on my shopping status (while and after shopping).

I want a uniform and transparent way of shopping.



With new technology and a “new way of shopping,” it is essential that we explain how it works. But most importantly, why it should be helpful.

You know how to pay without cash. Paying at self-checkouts is also known and speeds up the purchase but does not necessarily simplify it. The added value of saving time only comes into play when you do not have to scan the items.

We described the purchasing process with animated illustrations in onboarding and explained it tangibly.

Login / Shopping

One of the most critical aspects of user acceptance is that the burden of using the app should be as small as possible. That's why the registration process needed to be easy. Even if this process is simplified by integrating Apple or Google Pay, there have been obstacles. Due to technological dependencies, we first had to request a billing address. A state that we keep discussing.


I accompanied the early development of this product as a UX designer, learned a lot, and created a good impact on the later outcome. Above all, the fact that we cleared essential stumbling blocks is still noticeable today and will help with scaling and acceptance.

Feel free to ︎︎︎drop me a message

© 2024 – Lukas Christian Kühne